"The Republican Movement has accused John Key of making excuses for not holding a referendum on New Zealand's constitutional future"
NX suspects that the defeat of Helen Clark is a major set back for the republican movement. Clark and Cullen had a 'republican by stealth' agenda, which is ironic when you consider Labour fear mongered that National had a secret agenda.
I support maintaining the status quo. In a world where republics and Presidents are a dime a dozen, New Zealand's current constitutional arrangement is comparatively unique (there are only 16 sovereign nations in the world) and adds to the flavour of our country. The argument that it's 'time to grow-up' is unquantifiable. The fact that our independence came about as a result of New Zealand's evolving constitutional status is awesome - and shows a true maturity.
From President Obama's speech to the CIA.
"I believe that our nation is stronger and more secure when we deploy the full measure of both our power and the power of our values - including the rule of law. ""What makes the United States special, and what makes you special, is precisely the fact that we are willing to uphold our values and our ideals even when it's hard, not just when it's easy; even when we are afraid and under threat, not just when it's expedient to do so. That's what makes us different."
You don't have to be an Obamacan to know he's right. A powerful speech - with an almost Star Trek like virtue (which isn't surprising given Obama is rumoured to be a fan).
There are four points in Tracy Watkin's article on Helen Clark's departure I found particularly interesting
1. As prime minister, Miss Clark sparked strong views while polls rated her as among our most popular leaders, she also became an increasingly polarising figure.
^ this is the first time I can think of where a mainstream political journalist has referred to Clark as a polarising figure. Of course she was incredibly polarising; people either loved her or couldn't stand her. Based on this I could not understand why the media brought into the 'inclusive leadership' line spun by Helen's ninth floor. Tracy has now broken out of this mould.
2. "There was also intense media scrutiny including over her private life."
^ yes there was and most unfairly in my opinion. Helen's personal life is her own business. However given Helen Clark was unsympathy to Don Brash having his personal live trotted out to the media, she does not deserve sympathy. In saying this, I was not impressed by every news organisation making a major story out of the fact Peter Davis won't be accompanying Clark to New York. Who cares.
3. "Obviously there were things happening which I really think are outrageous ... but if I go out there and say that, people are just going to respond, `Oh, she lost the election, it's just sour grapes'. So there is no point in even going near that."
The quote above is from Helen Clark & is one of the most astute things she has said in a while; breaking new ground indeed!
4. Like the rest of her private papers there are thousands of them, she says the ones in the case will not be released to the public till after her death. Till that day, her secrets after nine years as prime minister, and 27 in the public eye, will remain just that.
Yeah, like who stole Dr. Brash's emails!
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- NX
- Interests: Politics, New Zealand
The catalysis for this blog was my dislike for the Clark'n Cullen Labour govt - particularly their transgressions during the 2005 general election & treatment of then opposition leader Don Brash.
However, I'm not anti-Labour & consider myself a political moderate. I'm looking forward to someday voting for a Labour Party which isn't all about 'tax and spend', is happy with NZ's current constituational arrangement (i.e. keeping the monachy), and isn't controlled by the unions.
I won't hold my breath.
I'm an avid reader of Kiwiblog.
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