The govt has enacted exceptional powers due to the Chch Earthquake & the Rugby World Cup. Basically this means circumventing or shortening parliamentary process.
Of course these are exceptional events, & I suspect most people are fine with this & NX agrees. However, maintaining a good process is beyond politics of the left & right, and should be fought for.
So you'd think the opposition would have a field day with this. Yet they've been strangely quiet.
I suspect it's because when it comes to enacting government powers, the left rather likes this. Which also explains why there has been more criticism from commentators on the right.
Phil Goff has been opposing the govt with a left wing critique, which has done bugger to capture the publics attention. Ironically, he'd probably have more luck if he tackled them on some issues from a centre-right perspective because there are many disenchanted right-leaning voters out there. I think he tried this once with a speech on Maori issues, which did nothing but anger his base supporters. Plus a lot of people are suspicious, and rightly so, about how genuine his convictions are.
In short, Goff is between a rock and a hard place.