

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Does The Standard want Vulcan Reporters?

This post on The Standard was so silly that it was pulled.
Fortunately thanks to RSS I could read the original post and have duplicated it here.
I'm a regular reader of The Standard (left leaning) and Kiwiblog (centre-right leaning) to try and get a broad perspective on the issues.  The Standard has done a good job recently explaining why they think privatising ACC is bad.  Kiwiblog has failed to counter the arguments from the left.  I'm generally a fan of competition and the ability of the private sector to define a service in keeping with what the public is willing to pay, but I need help to understand how privatisation is the correct choice for ACC. 
The trouble with The Standard is any good points they make are drowned in a sea of silly posts like the one from Eddie.