Heh, it's ironic all those sixes in Labour's party vote also happens to be the 'Number of the Beast'.
KEVIN Rudd is hoping to match Malcolm Turnbull's online popularity by joining the social networking service Twitter
^ heh, had to a laugh at this comment:
Surely this is an April Fool's joke. kevinpm.com.au? I'm lost for words. Maybe some of you will think twice about voting Labor next time! Just like Americans travelling abroad under the Bush administration called themselves Canadians, we'll have to start calling ourselves New Zealanders.
Posted by: David of Brisbane 8:26pm today
Comment 14 of 16
Not on your life David of Brisbane. If we can put up with nine years of Helen Clark and still call ourselves New Zealanders, then you can do the same with K Rudd.
After all we don’t want out good name besmirched ;).
In the Beehive, meanwhile, documents were being shredded and wheeled rubbish bins were being carted in and out of offices as staff packed up to make way for the new administration.
To be fair, Helen Clark’s concession speech wasn’t bad. There were echos of McCain’s gracious speech.
But then, in typical Helen style, she ruined it with an inflammatory comment:
Miss Clark spoke of her pride in what the party had achieved over nine years in government, adding: "I just utter one fear, and that is that I do hope that all we have put in place doesn't go up in flames on the bonfire of Right-wing politics."
Nasty stuff. Defaming someone just because they have a different set of ideas to you is prejudicious rubbish. Especially in light of your loss. Prejudice in all forms is something the left suppose to be passionately against.
The quote above neatly highlights why I won’t miss Clark; her hypocrisy. I’ve lost count the number of times she has attacked her opponents over something they’ve done while not only committing the same crime but to a much greater extent. Examples include electioneering and dirty politics. It’s a cunning tactic but one that is particularly repugnant.
So my hope for the new National government is that they treat their opponents how they would like to be treated themselves. My other hope is for a Prime Minister that doesn’t have his head stuck up his own arse.
The first signs are positive; John Key isn’t obsessed with politics and doesn’t take himself too seriously. A brighter future indeed.
……… enough said.
Especially in my inebriated state.
Chanting "bring on Mr Flip Flop", the unionists were outnumbered by those bearing National Party signs, but were the most vocal.
One Labour supporter repeatedly asked Mr Key to "tell the truth" about the changes National would make to the Employment Relations Act.
Eventually Mr Key's frustration boiled over.
"The truth is you're an idiot," he yelled back.
Way to go Mr Key!
I bet a few Labour ministers take a perverse pleasure in seeing John Key take on Helen Clark after sitting around the cabinet table with her for nine long years (shudders at the thought).
Helen's abrasive style has reduced many a journalist into a cowering mess. But not John Key; like water off a ducks back. Not only is he confident, but some of his one-liners are classic.
Reflecting on the 2005 election, Dr Brash also showed no fear during the debates. The difference being he was too gentlemanly to really take her on.
.... AT least he's carrying his own bag. Nice looking copper too.
NX-Files special tip: Don't bother trying to convert your leftie friends. If they're still voting left after all Labour has done, there's no hope for them. And chances are they won't understand your arguments and will look down on you for voting National. So the best non-conflict way to explain why you're voting National is to say you "don't want to see Winston back in government". It works a charm because who want's to defend Winston.
About me
- NX
- Interests: Politics, New Zealand
The catalysis for this blog was my dislike for the Clark'n Cullen Labour govt - particularly their transgressions during the 2005 general election & treatment of then opposition leader Don Brash.