

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Anti-smacking and John Key

I don't understand the whole anti-smacking thing.  And I don't understand why John Key is falling out of favour with certain National Party voters over this issue.  Some people are even comparing John Key to Helen Clark, saying he's adopting her 'I know best' mantra.
John Key and Phil Goff both know that Labour lost the last election in part due to their 'bossy boots' style government.  So the electorate is sensitive to it, and so am I. 
But the anti-smacking issue just doesn't push my buttons.  Maybe it's because I don't have kids.  Regardless - I'm okay with the fact that this law is written for the lowest common denominator i.e. people who don't understand the difference between a smack and a beating.
Under normal circumstances I reject nanny state, lowest common denominator crap.  But when it comes to child abuse I don't mind making the exception.   


Anonymous said...

and that is a problem.

when 80+% say before and after an election don't make us break a law in our parenting that is not on.

that you can't see that is more than a blind spot.