

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

No. 1 way for Phil Goff to become unpopular...

"He also wanted to ensure that its replacement found the right balance between preventing "Exclusive Brethren-type" campaigns without unduly restricting "bona fide" campaigners."
Regardless whether Phil's point is valid or not, the mere mention of the Exclusive Brethren is enough to go into complete synapse shutdown. 
Not only did Labour beat that dead horse for far too long, they also beat the horse's ghost.
If Phil turn's the EFA debate into one about the ineffective, overstated Exclusive Brethren..... then I'm just going to have to leave the country.
Because let's face it... the only reason Labour banged on about the Exclusive Brethren was an attempt at moral equivalence for their 2005 electoral rort. 
It was wrong then - & it would be ridiculous now.  So please Phil - don't go there!