

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Labour Hates Farmer

The title of this post is over simplified hyperbole.  Rather like the story Labour is pushing that Farmers don't pay their share of tax. 

Labour have made this accusation based on comparing the amount of tax collected compared with reported turn-over NOT profits like they should have.

Many on the right have launched into mocking Labour for not understanding what turn-over is.  I would never assume Labour are so stupid, but instead allege Labour chose to ignore this technically to make a cheap political shot to grab headlines & appeal to the lowest common dominator (i.e. Labour's bread and butter voters). 

Labour MPs should hold their heads in shame. 

If farming was really such a lucrative business, you'd see more young people going into it.  The fact is farms are hugely expensive to buy, and maintain.  The hours are long, & the returns for the hours are rather crap.  
At the end of the day, it's a lifestyle choice.  It is not a 9-5 job.

And to top it off, farming is still the major back-bone of our country's economy. 

I wish Labour were more focused on trying to win farmers over rather than pull them down.