

In this post at The Standard, they're complaining about John Key's budget speech in parliament.   

 John tears Goff a new one.  

Now, as a political junkie I actually don't like budget day because political spin machines on both sides of the house go into over drive.  They cloud what are hugely important issues with BS.  Especially when you have Goff claim it's the worst budget he's heard in this 27 years of parliament (really Mr Goff?).  But I recognise this is a reality created by the extra media attention.   

For nine years of a Labour govt we had to put up with Clark'n Cullen slapping down National on budget day.  And Goff is known for his 'vein popping' speeches. 

 So The Standard's complaint not only highlights their hypocrisy, but how much of an effective performer John Key is becoming (otherwise they wouldn't be complaining).