

Monday, August 1, 2011

Labour's bossy boots persona

"Put a camera on him or a microphone and you get the lecture from the old party machine man, or the university man. And people don't want to be lectured. They had a decade of it and they don't want it again."

Good column by Paul Holmes in the Herald.  He pretty much hits the nail on the head with his description of the problem with Phil Goff.  

When Goff speaks he does remind me a lot of Helen Clark - no doubt a consequence of sitting around the cabinet table with her for so long. 

It's amazing that Labour has retained it's 'bossy boots' persona in site of being in opposition.  National with John Key at the helm seems relaxed & happy to let New Zealander's run their own affairs.  A fact Bill English often reminds the house during Question Time (which starts up again tomorrow at 2pm).  

 The only Labour MP I reckon could sell their meddling policies without sounding bossy is Shane Jones.