TVNZ vs 3News
Nats 56% - 54%
Lab 30% - 28.8%
Greens 6% - 9.3%
NZ 1st 2.3% - 2.2%
Act 1.7% - 2.2%
Maori 1.4% - 1.5%
Mana 0.9% - 0.9%
UF 0.5% - 0.0%
As we get closer to the election, political journalists become more important. On that note:
Guyon vs Duncan
+1 for Guyon. I preferred his style & his story.
In spite of both Guyon & Duncan's tendency to sensationalise the gap between Labour & National, the polls haven't moved much sense the last 2008 election. The Clark govt. had a brief 'winter of discontent' in their first term. Nation has had nothing like that.
Another observation - since when did both networks start ignoring Jim Anderton's Progressive party? Is Peter Dunne next? Given how low they both poll, they get a disproportionate amount of air-time relative to their support. Kind of ridiculous really.
A poll that has surprised me recently is Kiwiblog's "Which Left-Wing Blogs do you read regularly"? I always assumed The Standard was the number one leftie blog, but it barely makes it to third place! With this in mind I'll attach even less significance to their smear enriched blog posts than I did before.
I really need to check out the other leftie blogs more often. I like trying to see issues from another perspective.
In my RSS reader every now and then I mistakenly read a leftie blog post thinking it's Kiwiblog. With in a couple of sentences I wonder 'what's up with Farrar today' before realising the error.
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